How Long Do You Have to Go to School to Be a Flight Attendant?

Here you have two tests to review Unit 3.
The key is below the tests.
Have a nice day! :)



1   Make sentences about future arrangements using the present continuous.

Example: you / see / Tom tomorrow ?

Are you seeing Tom tomorrow?

1   I / spend / New Year's Eve in Scotland


2   we / not go / away at Christmas


3   they / travel / to Basel on Saturday


4   when / Simon / get a new car ?


5   I / not have / dinner with Marco tonight


6   where / you / meet Tessa ?


2   Complete the sentences with who, which, or where.

Example: That's the woman who works in the pharmacy.

1   'Café' is a word __________ comes from the Spanish word 'cafetería'.

2   This is the restaurant __________ we had dinner.

3   Kangaroos are animals __________ live in Australia.

4   A flight attendant is a person __________ looks after passengers on a plane.

5   A snack bar is a place ___________ you can get a drink or a meal.

6   He's the man ___________ lives next door to my grandparents.

3   Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of going to and a verb from the box.

do   be   not enjoy   miss    not finish   pass   not rain snow   travel

Example: It's very cold. I think it 's going to snow tonight.

1   One day I _______________ around the world.

2   What _______________ you _______________ when you leave university?

3   It's very late. We _______________ this report today.

4   Do you think Martin _______________ his exams?

5   Hurry up! We _______________ the train.

6   You don't need an umbrella. It _______________.

7   I don't want to go to the party. I know I _______________ it.

8   How long _______________ Janos and Aisa _______________ in Turkey?


4   Complete the airport words in the sentences.

Example: I met John in a rrivals after my flight from Rome landed.

1   Which t__________ do international flights leave from?

2   Flight 460 to Malaga leaves from g__________ number 27.

3   After the flight they went to b__________ reclaim to get their suitcases.

4   We went through passport c__________ before we got on the plane.

5   I can't carry all these bags. I need a t__________.

6   She didn't stop at c__________ as she had nothing to declare.

7   You can take the l__________ or the stairs to the next floor.

5   Complete the sentences with the correct word or phrase.

for example   place   similar somebody opposite   something   kind

Example: A vet is somebody who looks after sick animals.

1 Tidy is the __________ of untidy.

2   A dictionary has different uses, __________ you can use it to check pronunciation.

3   An onion is a __________ of vegetable.

4   A market is a __________ where you can buy fresh fruit and vegetables.

5   A passport is __________ which you need when you travel abroad.

6 Fat and overweight have a __________ meaning, but overweight is more polite.

6   Complete the phrases with the correct preposition.

Example: arrive at work

1   wait __________ a friend

2   fall __________ love with someone

3   worry __________ a problem

4   write an email __________ somebody

5   spend money __________ books

6   pay __________ a meal

7   disagree __________ somebody


7   Write the words from the box next to the phonetic transcriptions.

customs airport   terminal   control   trolley   arrivals

Example: /

         / airport

1   /

               /       __________

2   /

              / __________

3   /

               /       __________

4   /

        / __________

5   /

               /       __________

8   Underline the stressed syllable.

Example: i|mmi|gra|tion

1   pa|ssen|ger

2   in|ter|na|tio|nal

3   ba|ggage

4   de|par|tures

5   e|xam|ple


1   Read the article about people who work at Heathrow airport and tick ( ü ) A, B, or C.

At Heathrow airport, there are hundreds of interesting jobs people can do. We spoke to three people who work there.

James Green, 26, security officer

'After I left college, I worked for a security company abroad. I wanted to come back to the UK so I applied for a job as a security officer at Heathrow. It's our job to keep passengers and staff safe at all times. I meet passengers from all over the world every day and help them with their problems. People are usually friendly, but sometimes they get angry, especially if there are long queues or delays.'

Teresa Jones, 30, service manager

'My job is to help passengers have a good journey through the airport terminal, from Arrivals to Departures. I talk to people all day and I'm tired in the evening. But it's also very exciting, because it changes all the time. One minute you are making new travel arrangements for passengers, and the next minute you are dealing with a problem at passport control. The only bad thing about my job is getting up very early.'

Husain Khaled, 35, terminal controller

'My first job at the airport was as a security officer. After that, I did a lot of different jobs here. When I saw a job for a terminal controller, I decided to apply. I like doing this work because there are all kinds of things to deal with – security, communication, safety, and so on. It can be very busy and I spend a lot of time talking to people on my mobile, but it's always interesting.'

Example: James meets passengers from all over _____.

A  the UK c     B  the world c ü     C  Asia c

1   James helps passengers with their _____.

     A  problems c     B  tickets c     C  baggage c

2   James says that people are usually _____.

     A  hungry c     B  friendly c     C  angry c

3   In her job, Teresa _____ all day.

     A  worries about people c     B  agrees with people c     C  talks to people c

4   Teresa thinks her job is _____.

     A  difficult c     B  exciting c     C  boring c

5   Husain doesn't talk about _____.

     A  communication c     B  delays c     C  security c

6   Husain enjoys working as a terminal controller because _____.

     A  he does lots of things c     B  the people are friendly c     C  he likes airports c

2   Write J for James, T for Teresa, or H for Husain.

Example: I worked in another country.     J

1   The bad thing about my job is getting up early.  _____

2   My job changes all the time.  _____

3   Before starting work, I went to college.  _____

4   Before this job, I did many different jobs here.  _____

5   I feel tired in the evening.  _____

6   My job is to keep passengers safe at all times.  _____

7   I help passengers have a good journey through the airport terminal.  _____

8   I talk to people on my mobile phone a lot.  _____

9   I deal with problems at passport control.  _____


1   Tick ( ü ) th e five sentences that are correct.

1   Tamsin is from New Zealand. c

2   She is on business. c

3   She is a clothes designer. c

4   She comes to London once a year. c

5   She is meeting some people this afternoon. c

6   She is staying in London for a month. c

7   She is flying to Ireland for a holiday. c

8   She is going to see her grandmother. c

2   Listen to five conversations. Match the conversations with what the speakers are planning to do (A E).

Conversation 1 c

Conversation 2 c

Conversation 3 c

Conversation 4 c

Conversation 5 c

A  to go to a conference

B  to cook dinner

C  to go to the airport

D  to teach English

E   to go cycling


1   Ask your partner these questions.

1   What are you going to do after class today?

2   What are you going to do this weekend?

3   What are you going to cook this evening?

4   Are you going to go on holiday this year? Where to?

5   Are you going to buy anything this weekend? What?

Now answer your partner's questions.

2   Look at Zack's plans for the weekend and answer your partner's questions.

meet Jim / in town / 11 a.m. / shopping and pizza
Sam's party / 9 p.m. (wear new T-shirt)
write to / parents / at home / a.m.
meet Marc and Rob / play football in the park / 4 p.m.

3   Now make questions and ask your partner about Belinda's plans for the weekend.

Saturday a.m. – Who / meet? Where? What time? What / do?

Saturday p.m. – Who / meet? Where? What time?

Sunday a.m. – What? Where?

Sunday p.m. – Who? What? Where? What time?



1   Complete the sentences with who, which, or where.

Example: That's the man who works in the pharmacy.

1   This is the hotel __________ we stayed.

2   A barman is a person __________ serves drinks in a pub.

3   Pandas are animals __________ live in China.

4   A snack bar is a place __________ you can get a drink or a meal.

5   She's the girl __________ lives next door to my parents.

6   'Café' is a word __________ comes from the Spanish word 'cafetería'.

2   Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of going to and a verb from the box.

be   pass   not finish rain   not enjoy   travel   miss not snow   do

Example: You need an umbrella. It 's going to rain later.

1   How long _______________ they _______________ here in the UK?

2   Hurry up! We _______________ the bus.

3   I don't want to go skiing. I know I _______________ it.

4   Do you think Elizabeth _______________ her exams?

5   It isn't very cold. It _______________ tonight.

6   I _______________ around South America one day.

7   What _______________ you _______________ when you leave school?

8   We _______________ this report today. It's very late.

3   Make sentences about future arrangements using the present continuous.

Example: where / you / meet / Dave ?

Where are you meeting Dave?

1   they / travel / to Rome on Tuesday


2   I / not have / dinner with Eric tonight


3   when / Lily / get a new car ?


4   you / see / Alan and Kate tomorrow ?


5   we / not go / away at Christmas


6   I / spend / New Year's Eve in London



4   Complete the sentences with the correct phrase.

kind place  somebody   opposite   similar   something   for example

Example: A pharmacy is a place where you can buy medicine.

1   A passport is __________ which you need when you travel abroad.

2 Overweight and fat have a __________ meaning, but overweight is more polite.

3   A dictionary has different uses, __________ you can use it to check spelling.

4   A nurse is __________ who looks after sick people.

5 Friendly is the __________ of unfriendly.

6   An apple is a __________ of fruit.

5   Complete the phrases with the correct preposition.

Example: write an email to someone

1   spend money __________ a new computer

2   disagree __________ somebody

3   pay __________ dinner

4   arrive __________ school

5   fall __________ love with somebody

6   worry __________ a problem

7   wait __________ a friend

6   Complete the airport words in the sentences.

Example: I said goodbye to Stefan in d epartures before his flight to Rome.

1   After the flight they went to b__________ reclaim to get their suitcases.

2   I can't carry all these bags. I need a t__________.

3   You can take the l__________ or the stairs to the next floor.

4   He had nothing to declare so he didn't stop at c__________.

5   They went through passport c__________ before they got on the plane.

6   Flight 310 to Paris leaves from g__________ number 6.

7   Which t__________ do international flights arrive at?


7   Underline the stressed syllable.

Example: tra|vel

1   de|par|tures

2   ba|ggage

3   e|xam|ple

4   in|ter|na|tio|nal

5   pa|ssen|ger

8   Write the words from the box next to the phonetic transcriptions.

airport   arrivals   control customs   terminal   trolley

Example: /

               / customs

1   /

               / __________

2 /

/ __________

3   /

        / __________

4   /

              / __________

5   /

               / __________


1   Read the article about people who work at Heathrow airport and tick ( ü ) A, B, or C.

At Heathrow airport, there are hundreds of interesting jobs people can do. We spoke to three people who work there.

James Green, 26, security officer

'After I left college, I worked for a security company abroad. I wanted to come back to the UK so I applied for a job as a security officer at Heathrow. It's our job to keep passengers and staff safe at all times. I meet passengers from all over the world every day and help them with their problems. People are usually friendly, but sometimes they get angry, especially if there are long queues or delays.'

Teresa Jones, 30, service manager

'My job is to help passengers have a good journey through the airport terminal, from Arrivals to Departures. I talk to people all day and I'm tired in the evening. But it's also very exciting, because it changes all the time. One minute you are making new travel arrangements for passengers, and the next minute you are dealing with a problem at passport control. The only bad thing about my job is getting up very early.'

Husain Khaled, 35, terminal controller

'My first job at the airport was as a security officer. After that, I did a lot of different jobs here. When I saw a job for a terminal controller, I decided to apply. I like doing this work because there are all kinds of things to deal with – security, communication, safety, and so on. It can be very busy and I spend a lot of time talking to people on my mobile, but it's always interesting.'

Example: James meets passengers from all over _____.

A  the UK c     B  the world c ü     C  Asia c

1   It is James's job to keep _____.

     A  the staff busy c     B  the passengers busy c     C  the passengers safe c

2   James says that passengers are sometimes _____.

     A  angry c     B  friendly c     C  hungry c

3   Teresa thinks her job is _____.

     A  boring c     B  exciting c     C  difficult c

4   The bad thing about Teresa's job is _____.

     A  dealing with problems c     B  getting up early c     C  helping passengers c

5   Husain likes working at Heathrow because _____.

     A  it's interesting work c     B  he likes airports c     C  the people are friendly c

6   In the article, Husain talks about _____.

     A  problems c     B  long queues c     C  communication c

2   Write J for James, T for Teresa, or H for Husain.

Example: I worked in another country.     J

1   I talk on my mobile phone a lot.  _____

2   I am often tired in the evening.  _____

3   The passengers I meet are usually friendly.  _____

4   I make new travel arrangements for passengers.  _____

5   Before this job, I did many different jobs here.  _____

6   At passport control, I deal with people's problems.  _____

7   I went to college before starting work.  _____

8   My job changes all the time.  _____

9   I help people have a good journey through the airport terminal.  _____


1   Tick ( ü ) th e five sentences that are correct.

1   Tamsin is from the USA. c

2   She has no plans in the UK. c

3   She is a photographer. c

4   She is in London for London Fashion Week. c

5   She is resting this afternoon. c

6   She is staying in London for a week. c

7   She is going to fly to Ireland next week. c

8   She is going to visit her grandmother. c

2   Listen to five conversations. Match the conversations with where the speakers are planning to go (A E).

Conversation 1 c

Conversation 2 c

Conversation 3 c

Conversation 4 c

Conversation 5 c

A  to China

B  nowhere (to stay at home)

C  to a conference

D  to the forest

E   to the airport


1   Answer your partner's questions.

Now ask your partner these questions.

1   What are you going to have for dinner tonight?

2   Who are you going to see later?

3   Where are you going to go at the weekend?

4   Are you going to go abroad this year? Where to?

5   Are you going to do any sport this weekend? What?

2   Make questions and ask your partner about Zack's plans for the weekend.

Saturday a.m. – Who / meet? Where? What time? What / do?

Saturday p.m. – Where? What time? What wear?

Sunday a.m. – What? Where?

Sunday p.m. – Who? What? Where? What time?

3   Now look at Belinda's plans for the weekend and answer your partner's questions.

meet Sally / café / 11 a.m. / chat
meet mum / outside cinema / 7 p.m.
relax / at home / a.m.
study / with Amira / library / 3.30 p.m.




1   I'm spending New Year's Eve in Scotland.

2   We aren't going away at Christmas.

3   They're travelling to Basel on Saturday.

4   When is Simon getting a new car?

5   I'm not having dinner with Marco tonight.

6   Where are you meeting Tessa?


1   which

2   where

3   which

4   who

5   where

6   who


1   'm going to travel

2   are ... going to do

3   aren't going to finish

4   is going to pass

5   're going to miss

6   isn't going to rain

7   'm not going to enjoy

8   are ... going to be



1   terminal

2   gate

3   baggage

4   control

5   trolley

6   customs

7   lift


1   opposite

2   for example

3   kind

4   place

5   something

6   similar


1   for

2   in

3   about

4   to

5   on

6   for

7   with



1   control

2   arrivals

3   customs

4   trolley

5   terminal


1 passenger

2   international

3 baggage

4   departures

5   example



1   A

2   B

3   C

4   B

5   B

6   A


1   H

2   T

3   J

4   H

5   H

6   J

7   T

8   H

9   T



2 ü

3 ü

5 ü

7 ü

8 ü


1   C

2   A

3   D

4   E

5   B




1   where

2   who

3   which

4   where

5   who

6   which


1   are ... going to be

2   're going to miss

3   'm not going to enjoy

4   is going to pass

5   isn't going to snow

6   'm going to travel

7   are ... going to do

8   aren't going to finish


1   They're travelling to Rome on Tuesday.

2   I'm not having dinner with Eric tonight.

3   When is Lily getting a new car?

4   Are you seeing Alan and Kate tomorrow?

5   We aren't going away at Christmas.

6   I'm spending New Year's Eve in London.



1   something

2   similar

3   for example

4   somebody

5   opposite

6   kind


1   on

2   with

3   for

4   at

5   in

6   about

7   for


1   baggage

2   trolley

3   lift

4   customs

5   control

6   gate

7   terminal



1   departures

2 baggage

3   example

4   international

5 passenger


1   terminal

2   airport

3   trolley

4   arrivals

5   control



1   C

2   A

3   B

4   B

5   A

6   C


1   S

2   T

3   J

4   T

5   S

6   T

7   J

8   T

9   T



1 ü

4 ü

6 ü

7 ü

8 ü


1   E

2   C

3   A

4   D

5   B

How Long Do You Have to Go to School to Be a Flight Attendant?


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